Silas Lindenstein: Frozen In Carbonite

Real Nerds of Comedy - May the Fourth

Silas Lindenstein’s Debut CD – Silas Lindenstein Frozen In Carbonite will be released on May 4th at The Seattle Comedy Underground.

Silas will also be presenting some of Seattle’s funniest and intelligent comics.

Special appearances by Emmett Montgomery (Last Comic Standing, Up Late NW), Joshua Chambers (The Ballard Boyz), Manny Martin (Seattle International Comedy Competition), Tanner Hodgeson, Tambre Massman, Evelyn Jensen, and Silas Lindenstein (The 206, Laughing Devil Comedy Festival).

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About Silas Lindenstein

Silas LindensteinSilas Lindenstein is the mocha almond fudge of stand up comedy; not very dark, but not very light, bringing balance to the force of comedy. Sweet, yet savory, and just the perfect amount of nuttiness. With his sharp wit and confusing ethnicity, he examines his life as a father, husband and wannabe starship captain.

Silas recently appeared on television show The 206 and will be performing in the 2015 Laughing Devil Comedy Festival. He was recently a semi finalist in the 2014 Sacramento Comedy Festival, a finalist in the 2013 Shades of Laughter Comedy Competition and the 2012 Make Jack Laugh Comedy Competition. He also performed at the EMP 2013 New Years Eve Bash in Seattle.

Silas performs in comedy clubs, theaters, and other venues around the Pacific Northwest. For instance, you can see him May 4th at the Seattle Comedy Underground.