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Rod Long

A man of great passion and artistic ability, Seattle's Rod Long is a professional photographer, writer and stand-up comedian. He holds degrees in Journalism and Motion Picture Production. He is also a very funny guy.

As a veteran on the comedy scene, Long won the 1987 Seattle International Comedy Competition and the 1998 "Emerald City's Funniest Person" contest. He has been seen on the Showtime Comedy Club Network -- twice -- and has performed at Caesar's Palace, Caroline's, the Comedy Underground, and many other venues throughout the United States, Canada and Japan. He is co-host of the Seattle P-I Annual Sports Star of the Year with Steve Raible and the color commentator of the annual Detlef Schrempf Celebrity Golf Tournament.

As Associate Editor for Petersen's PhotoGraphic Magazine in Los Angeles, Long conducted a number of celebrity interviews -- including a widely publicized chat with famed Hollywood glamour photographer George Hurrell.

Web site: www.rodlong.com

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