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Comedy News: Bizzarro Cartoonist Dan Piraro Releases New Book

Nationally-syndicated cartoonist Dan Piraro has released a new book, "Bizarro and Other Strange Manifestations of the Art of Dan Piraro".

The book is a retrospective of his career and will include images from his cartoons, fine art, commercial illustration, sketchbooks, and comedy shows, as well as a lengthy autobiographical essay.

BIZARRO has won three consecutive Reuben Awards from the National Cartoonist Society for Best Cartoon Panel of the Year, in 1999, 2000, and 2001. For the years 2002 through 2005, Piraro was nominated for its highest award, Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year. The results of his most recent nomination will be announced at the annual awards dinner in Chicago, May of 2006.

BIZARRO was first syndicated in 1985 and has since then built a steady and loyal following on four continents. It currently appears daily in around 250 markets in North and South America, Europe and Asia.

Eleven collections of BIZARRO cartoons have been published as well as a book of prose, Bizarro Among the Savages in which Piraro recounts his surreal book tour across the country, which was entirely funded by his readers, and during which he stayed in the homes of oddball fans.

Piraro regularly speaks to school children, community groups, and colleges and works as an animal rights activist. For his animal rights-themed cartoons he was awarded the Humane Society's Genesis Award for Outstanding Cartoonist in 2002, 2003, and 2005.

Dan will be bringing "The Bizarro Baloney Show" to the Comedy Underground on April 26, 2006. More details are available at:

For more information on Dan and his work, check out his Web site at:

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